News Articles

Dr. Robert Bordley Named INCOSE CAB Deputy Chair

Dr. Robert Bordley, widely renowned for his pioneering work in systems engineering and design, was elected deputy chair of the 132-member INCOSE Corporate Advisory Board, a body that is the “Voice of the Customer” and offers strategic guidance to INCOSE’s technical leadership team.

Boosting Battery Performance

In a world gravitating toward sustainable transportation, Automotive Engineering student Ubaid Rehman has taken a significant stride in designing a high-functioning battery pack with an innovative Thermal Management System (TMS) for the burgeoning Electric Vehicle (EV) sector in Asia Pacific.

Top 3 in the Nation

The 2024 U.S. News Best Online Master’s Engineering ranked our ISD Programs #3 in the nation.

Challenging Conventions

From a young age, Pranav Patil was driven by a deep curiosity and affinity for the workings of automotive engineering mechanical systems.

Natural Leader


Anirudh Krishnamoorthy, a new ISD Automotive Engineering student, recalls opening, tinkering, and analyzing his toy cars to see how they worked as early as age 5 while growing up in Chennai, India.

Dash of Success


ISD Automotive Engineering MEng student Roshan Kumar Dash enjoys applying the theoretical knowledge he’s learned at ISD to real-world scenarios. His internship allows him to bridge the gap between academic concepts and practical implementation, enhancing his understanding and problem-solving abilities. 

Redefining Meeting Outcomes


Potentially Revolutionary ISD Capstone Project Creates Objectives and Assessments to Quantify If Your Meetings Succeed or Fail On average, you may spend nearly 23 hours a week in meetings, according to the Harvard Business Review (“Stop the Meeting Madness”).  How will you know if your meetings succeed or fail? With so much at stake, the … Read more