Registering for Ross School of Business Courses
Note: The directions below do not apply to dual-degree students in the Manufacturing + MBA program. If you are in the dual-degree program, contact the Ross School of Business (RSB) for information on registering as an MBA student.
- ISD students have the opportunity to enroll in relevant core courses offered at RSB, generally in the evening sections. Examples of RSB core courses are ACC 501 Principles of Financial Accounting; FIN 551 Financial Management and Policy; MKT 501 Marketing Management.
- RSB students have priority to enroll in RSB courses. RSB courses offered in the day fill fast and are mainly reserved for RSB students, so it is typically easier for ISD students to obtain permission from RSB instructors to enroll in courses that are offered in the evening.
Registering for Ross School of Business Core Courses (ACC 501, MKT 501, and other Ross School of Business courses)
- First, select the RSB course(s) that you want to take.
- There is no early registration for non-RSB students. You must email the RSB instructor of the course to request permission. In the email, provide your full name, ID, uniqname, and indicate the specific class and section number for which permission is requested.
- If the RSB instructor consents, he or she must forward your email to Ross Academic Services at and indicate their approval of your permission request. Please note: the RSB instructor may let you know that he/she will not issue any permissions until close to the beginning of the semester.
- Within 2-3 days after receiving the email permission request, Academic Services will enter the permission into Wolverine Access and an automated email notifying you will be generated. If you have any questions regarding adding a course after you have received electronic permission to add the course, please contact
- Once an electronic permission has been issued, you must still Add the class to your schedule. See here for instructions on how to add & drop classes.
- If instructor permission is pending, we recommend you attend the first day of class to find out if enrollment into the class will be an option. If it turns out that the professor is unable to allow you in the course, you should have a back-up course selected.
- Prepare for the first day of class. It is likely that a student will need to be prepared for the first day of class. There may be assignments given prior to the first day of class.
- You may obtain course materials and course packs via the Kresge Business Administrative Library.
- An announcement will be posted in Canvas for each class when a course material packet is required. Students will receive notification through Canvas about course materials availability and ordering approximately 2 weeks before classes begin.
- A valid photo ID (MCard, driver’s license, or passport) is required for pickup. If you need someone to pick up your order for you, the Kregse Library will need your name, your order confirmation number, and the name of the person picking up your order. The person collecting your order will also need photo ID.
- Order availability will depend on inventory and the pickup location chosen.
Preparing for Classes
Generally, assignments are expected to be completed before the class period in which the material is discussed in detail. In other words, the homework must be completed before the concepts are taught in class. Group work is encouraged, not only in preparation of the assignment, but also in discussion of the topics.
The First Day and Course Packs
Students can only purchase course materials and textbooks after registering for class. The course pack will detail requirements for assignments. The assignment for the first day of class should be prepared before class; however, because ISD students are not business school students and may only be able to register after the first day of classes, you may not be able to purchase course packs ahead of time. Course packs may be borrowed from the Ross School of Business library until you are able to purchase them. Course packs may be purchased online and you will get the appropriate link from the class website. Textbooks can be purchased at campus bookstores.
Most of the assignments come in the form of cases. When preparing cases, they should be as professional as possible (i.e. typed, organized, thorough). This is especially true when professors expect the work to be handed in or presented in class. If you have any questions regarding case preparation, do not hesitate to ask other students or the professor.
Cold Calls
Some professors will call on students to answer questions. This is normally included as part of the class participation grade that most professors assign. Typical questions will be: a) to summarize the assigned core; b) to present your case solution; start class discussion regarding the case; or c) to answer specific questions. Do not hesitate to get involved in class discussions; this is part of the learning process and part of your grade!
Computer Access at RSB
ISD students should have access to RSB computing facilities. ISD students are required to pay a lab fee.
RSB Library
Students have access to the Kresge Library.
Parking at RSB
Students may park with the appropriate parking permit. Please check with Parking Services at (734) 764-8291.
RSB Grading
The Ross School of Business does not use a letter grade scale system. Student grades are converted to reflect the College of Engineering letter grade system. The following is the conversion table used by the Registrar Office for grades given to ISD students attending Ross
Letter Grade | Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grade |
EXCELLENT = A+ | EXCELLENT = Satisfactory |
GOOD = A | GOOD = S |
PASS = B+ | PASS = S |
FAIL = E | FAIL = Unsatisfactory |