ISD Courses Available for the Fall Semester
The following ISD courses are being offered for Fall 2024.
While ISD students have the flexibility to elect each term to take all of their courses that term either online or on-campus, it is important to note that they cannot take a mix of both during the same term.
ISD course online sections are designated as 88X or 98X and only ISD students with an online degree program code for a term can enroll in these sections. You will need to contact your ISD graduate coordinator if you wish to change your mode of delivery for a term so that your program code can be changed. This allows the appropriate online tuition to be charged.
ISD students classified as online for a term are not allowed to register for any on-campus sections, which are usually designated 001 or 0XX, even if they are labeled as being offered “remote.” Remote sections are special courses for on-campus students only and require on-campus tuition to be paid. They are not applicable for ISD online students.
Click on the course description links below to learn more about each individual course offering.
Fall Course Schedule
- Online Section: AUTO 501-881
- On-Campus Section: AUTO 501-001
- Instructor: Art Hyde
- Online Section: AUTO 513-881
- On-Campus Section: AUTO 513-001
- Instructor: Don Malen
- Online Section: AUTO 542-881
- On-Campus Section: AUTO 542-001
- Instructor: Tian Mi
- Online Section: Not Available
- On-Campus Section: DESCI 501-001
- Instructor: TBD
DESCI 790 Design Science Colloquium
- Online Section: Not Available
- On-Campus Section: DESCI 790-001
- Instructor: TBD
- Online Section: ESENG 501-881
- On-Campus Section: ESENG 501-001
- Instructor: Suljo Linic
- Online Section: ESENG 503-881
- On-Campus Section: ESENG 503-135
- Instructor: N. Friedberg
- Online Section: ESENG 567-881
- On-Campus Section: ESENG 567-001
- Instructor: TBD
- Online Section: ISD 514-881
- On-Campus Section: ISD 514-001
- Instructor: J. Hu
- Online Section: ISD 520-881
- On-Campus Section: ISD 520-001
- Instructor: R. Bordley
- Online Section: ISD 521-881
- On-Campus Section: ISD 521-001
- Instructor: R. Bordley
- Online Section: ISD 528-881
- On-Campus Section: ISD 528-001
- Instructor: Kazuhiro Saitou
- Online Section: ISD 532-881
- On-Campus Section: ISD 532-001
- Instructor: G. Keoleian
- Online Section: ISD 535-881
- On-Campus Section: ISD 535-001
- Instructor: Christian Lastoskie
- Online Section: ISD 541-881
- On-Campus Section: ISD 541-001
- Instructor: Art Hyde
- Online Section: ISD 599-981
- On-Campus Section: CHE 696-009
- Instructor: Suljo Linic
- Online Section: ISD 599-982
- On-Campus Section: ISD 599-082
- Instructor: Najafi Khalil
- Online Section: ISD 599-984
- On-Campus Section: ISD 599-084
- Instructor: TBD
- Online Section: ISD 599-985
- On-Campus Section: ISD 599-085
- Instructor: Sita Syal
- Online Section: ISD 599-990
- On-Campus Section: MECHENG 599-008
- Instructor: A. Stefanopoulou
- Online Section: ISD 599-888
- On-Campus Section: ISD 599-008
- Pingsha Dong
- Online Section: MFG 461-881
- On-Campus Section: MFG 461-001
- Instructor: Pat Hammett
- Online Section: MFG 587-881
- On-Campus Section: MFG 587-001
- Instructor: Theodor Freiheit
- Online Section: ISD 503-881
- On-Campus Section: ISD 503-135
- Instructor: N. Friedberg
- Online Section: AUTO 503-881
- On-Campus Section: AUTO 503-135
- Instructor: N. Friedberg
- Online Section: Not available
- On-Campus Section: DESCI 503-135
- Instructor: N. Friedberg
- Online Section: MFG 503-881
- On-Campus Section: MFG 503-135
- Instructor: N. Friedberg
Important Dates and Deadlines
August 25, 2024
Last day to register without incurring a $50 late registration fee
August 26, 2024
Classes begin
September 16, 2024
Last day to withdraw with disenrollment fee ($130) only
October 7, 2024
Last day to withdraw with 50% tuition reduction
December 9, 2024
Last day of classes
Get Help with Registration
If you have questions about the registration process, please contact our Graduate Student Coordinators at
How to Register for Courses
Information on how to register can be found at ISD Course Registration. Please refer to the University’s Office of the Registrar calendar for registration time periods for continuing and newly admitted students.
For Sponsored Students, please submit your voucher directly to Kellie Pennock, .