MFG 461 (IOE 461) Quality Engineering Principles and Analysis

MFG 461 (IOE 461): Quality Engineering Principles and Analysis

Credits: 3

Sample Course

Watch an introductory IOE 461 course session

Course Description

This course provides students with the analytical and management tools necessary to solve manufacturing quality problems and implement effective quality systems. Topics include voice of the customer analysis, the Six Sigma problem solving methodology, process capability analysis, measurement system analysis, design of experiments, statistical process control, failure mode and effects analysis, quality function deployment, and reliability analysis.

Recommended Pre-Course Reading and Software

Pre-Course Reading

What is Six Sigma by Don Lynch


Minitab 16 Software (Minitab 13-15 also are fine) or equivalent software (SPSS, STAT SOFT, SAS). or call 1-877-616-0662).

Students may rent Minitab software for the semester or login to CAEN via remote desktop connection for a University copy (Requires a valid account). See instructions on course website.


IOE 366

System Requirements

Michigan Engineering IT Recommendation for Personal Computer Requirements.

For more information about when this course will be offered, please see the ISD current and projected course schedules at the link below.

Instructor Video