GM TEP GAME Curriculum
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GM TEP GAME Curriculum Information
Integrative Science (9 Credits)
Required Courses
Select one course In each of the two categories below (for a total of 6 Credits)
Systems Courses:
Manufacturing Courses:
Select one additional course from these course categories (3 Credits) and/or Signature Courses
- Model-Based Systems & Design
- Integrative Thinking
- Socio-Technology
- Global Engineering Leadership
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Career Pathways (9 Credits)
Select courses from within one of the following pathways
- Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing
- Advanced Automotive Structures
- Electrification/Powertrain Integration & Manufacturing
- Global Supply Chain and Engineering Leadership
Program Core (9 Credits)
Select courses from across the core areas
Each course selected must come from a different Program Core
- Auto-body Materials
- Automotive Structures
- Vehicle Manufacturing & Assembly
Immersive Practice (3 Credits)
Course Offerings
- AUTO 503 or MFG 503 for one semester
* Please Note: ISD cannot guarantee these courses are available every academic year or every term; these lists are updated on an on-going basis.
Integrative Science
(9 Credits)
Required Course
Systems Courses
Manufacturing Courses
Global Engineering Leadership
Engineering leaders are needed to strategically think and act globally based on an integration of academic excellence in engineering and business, experience in a variety of settings and environments, and the ability to lead across cultures and within organizations of varied sizes. In this field, you will strengthen your ability to develop engineering and business practices, develop cross-cultural leadership competencies, learn how to work within a global community, and lead with purpose, strategy, and vision in the development of sustainable global products, services, and processes for the common good.
Key Competencies:
- Ability to scope and identify unique challenges of global engineering projects:
- Global regulatory issues
- Internationally-recognized engineering and manufacturing quality norms
- Managing technology and legal contracts
- Global Supply Chain Issues/Outsourcing/ Offshoring/
- Re-positioning of Corporations and Subcontractors
- Risk Management
- Cross-cultural decision making
- Understanding consequences/impact of decisions
- Provide tools for taking corrective actions (within context of “real-world” global problems)
- International Cultural Competency
- Multicultural team management and global team leadership
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and entrepreneurship drive today’s engineering world. Fueling this growth from global corporations to small businesses and national governments to local governments is a need to build sustainable products, services, and technologies. In this field, you will integrate concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship with engineering, science, and design in pursuit of opportunities to innovate solutions to highly complex problems. Here, you will learn how to be the next industry “true innovators” in strengthening market uptake of raw materials solutions and building a bigger platform for a greener future
Key Competencies:
- Knowledge of market forces
- Financial insight (understanding numbers)
- Strategic thinking
- Negotiation
- Persuasion
- Ability to influence
- Creativity
- Business planning and integration
- Course list coming soon
Integrative Thinking
Integrative thinking requires seeing problems from multiple viewpoints, taking them all into consideration, and searching for creative solutions through a transformative approach. It requires shifting the focus to the vulnerabilities and capacities of single systems or sectors to interconnected systems and how these will shift over time, taking into account multidirectional interactions of projected changes, responses, and effects. This leads to understanding how to compose a holistic view of a problem, co-construct new knowledge, explore alternative views and methods of problem analysis, and synthesize them into a coherent solution. In this field, you will discover how to integrate across multiple boundaries for the greater good.
Key Competencies:
- Broad technical, business, management, and education experience
- Ability to construct and correlate models that are abstractions of interactions and to evaluate data against the model
- “Big picture” thinking
- Understanding, at least at the top level, what knowledge domains are relevant and prioritizing their importance
Model Based Systems and Design
Solving complex problems requires deeper levels of systems understanding. Modeling helps designers/engineers work at greater levels of complexity to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later life cycle phases. In this field, you will strengthen your ability to create and implement models to support every stage of the engineering and design process as well as drive learning for modeling, analyzing, and solving complex problems.
Key Competencies:
- Modeling complex systems
- Optimization
- Data analytics
- Behavioral models
- Business/Dynamic modeling
- Qualitative models
- Digital twins development
- Evaluate data quality
- ISD 522 Systems Engineering Architecture & Design (Required for INCOSE Certification)
- ISD/ESENG 532 (EAS 574/ PUBPOL 519) Sustainable Energy Systems
- ISD 599 (NAVARCH 515/ MECHENG 599) Residual Stress and Distortion in Modern Manufacturing
- ISD/MFG 555 (MECHENG 555) Design Optimization
- ISD 565 (MECHENG 565) Battery Systems and Control
- AUTO 566 (MECHENG 566) Modeling Analysis and Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- MECHENG 588 Assembly Modeling for Design and Manufacturing
Approved Transfer Courses
Engineers are needed to design within social, political, economic, and cultural contexts. In this field, you will design things that participate in complex systems that have both social and technical aspects, study the intersection of society and technology as a grouping of social engineering and management science and learn how to develop new technologies to meet challenges in energy, environment, food, housing, water, transportation, safety, and health. You will also learn the societal impact of engineering and design decisions at the intersection of science and technology.
Key Competencies:
- Socially engaged decision making
- Operational understanding of the impact of technology on society, world, environment (vice versa)
- Global awareness
Program Core
(9 Credits)
Auto-Body Materials
Today’s motor vehicle designs are increasingly focused on the effective use of lightweight materials and mixed materials for achieving structural lighting and performance. Advanced materials are essential for boosting the fuel economy of modern automobiles while maintaining safety and performance. Because it takes less energy to accelerate a lighter object than a heavier one, lightweight materials offer great potential for increasing vehicle efficiency. In this field, you will learn how both modern lightweight metals and various forms of polymeric composites have become essential. Their properties and manufacturability must be well understood for their effective use in automotive structures.
Key Competencies:
- Manufacturability for automotive applications
- Mechanical properties of modern lightweight metals and polymeric composites
- Testing and characterization techniques
Automotive Structures
In addition to handling and maneuverability, all structural modules need to satisfy a set of safety and structural performance requirements. Furthermore, these structural modules must take into account manufacturability and downstream vehicle assembly, or design for manufacturing or design for assembly. In this field, you will study the design, construction, equipment, and regulation of automotive structures to minimize the occurrence and consequences of traffic collision involving motor vehicles. Essential to this process is understanding a vehicle’s crashworthiness, durability, sustainability, and fatigue.
Key Competencies:
- Vehicle and component structural analysis methods, including:
- Crashworthiness
- Design for manufacturing and assembly
- Durability/fatigue
Vehicle Manufacturing And Assembly
Vehicle manufacturing and assembly are increasingly relying on emerging smart technologies and advanced manufacturing processes for ensuring quality, safety, and productivity. In this field, you will learn how both mechanics-based modeling and data-driven modeling are essential for taking advantage of the benefits of rapidly evolving smart manufacturing technologies. You will also understand how to create highly efficient product and process solutions that form the future of mobility, safety, environmental sustainability through advanced and component manufacturing processes, statistical quality control, variation control methodologies, and assembly modeling methods and procedures.
Key Competencies:
- Advanced manufacturing processes
- Assembly modeling methods
- Mechanics principles for design-for-modular manufacturing and assembly
- Assembly procedures
- Major vehicle and component manufacturing processes
- Statistical quality control
- Variation control methodologies
- ISD 528 (MECHENG 452) Advanced Design for Manufacturability
- ISD/MFG 599 (MECHENG 599) Smart Manufacturing Systems
- ISD 599 MFG 599 (MECHENG 599) Foundations in Smart Additive Manufacturing
- MFG 461 (IOE 461) Quality Engineering Principles and Analysis
- MFG 587 (MECHENG 587) Global Manufacturing
- MFG 588 (MECHENG 588) Assembly Modeling for Design and Manufacturing
Career Pathways
(9 Credits)
Advanced Automotive Structures
Modern automotive structures are rapidly evolving, driven by sustainability challenges and paradigm shifts in mobility definition, e.g., autonomous vehicles, etc. Emphasis today is on lightweighting, which is building cars and trucks that are less heavy as a way to achieve better fuel efficiency and handling. This includes making parts from carbon fiber, windshields from plastic, and bumpers out of aluminum foam, as ways to lessen vehicle load. In this field, you will learn about advanced structural concepts and design analysis methods for load-bearing body structures and chassis frames, as well as for achieving optimum use of lightweight materials, particularly in the form of multi-materials structures.
Key Competencies:
- Auto Body structures
- Vehicle CAE methods
- Lightweight structural materials and properties
- Mechanics of joints/connections, and joint properties under as-manufactured conditions
- AUTO 542 (MECHENG 542) Vehicle Dynamics
- AUTO 513 MFG 513 (MECHENG 513) Automotive Body Structures
- ISD 546 (MECHENG 545, CEE 577) Dynamics and Control of Connected Vehicles
- ISD 528 (MECHENG 452) Advanced Design for Manufacturability
- AUTO 541 (ISD 541) Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics
- ISD 599 985 Sustainable Engineering and Design
- ISD 599 982 Introduction to MEMS
- MFG 515 (NAVARCH 514) Fatigue of Structures
Approved Transfer Courses
Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing
Vehicle manufacturing and assembly, in addition to being governed by quality and efficiency, must be adaptable to localization and customization needs. In this field, you will learn emerging manufacturing processes, design for assembly principles, mechanics basis of modular design and assembly, dimensional variation control techniques, and quality definition and control, product engineering, development and manufacturing of advanced vehicle systems, including body, interior, chassis and electrical/electronic systems design, variation propagation and control, and production engineering and manufacturing processes and methods.
Key Competencies:
- Global manufacturing
- Mechanics principles of design-for-modular manufacturing and assembly
- Modeling of manufacturing processes and modular assembly
- Mechanics principles of modularity definitions
- Modular assembly and optimum sequencing
- Production engineering
- Variation propagation and control
Electrification/Powertrain Integration And Manufacturing
Electric vehicles or electric propulsion will continue to drive the rapid transformation of the mobility industries for the foreseeable future. Integrating powertrain systems into a compact mechanical enclosure can lead to more affordable, more efficient electric vehicles. In this field, you will learn about battery systems and assembly, electric drive system, advanced design and system integration of electric and hybrid powertrain systems with an emphasis on weight and cost reduction and system reliability.
Key Competencies:
- Battery systems and assembly
- Electric drive system
- Hybrid powertrain systems and assembly
- Inter-connection joint quality and system reliability
- AUTO 533 (MECHENG 433) Advanced Energy Solutions
- AUTO 563 881 Dynamics and Control of Automatic Transmissions
- ESENG 505 (MECHENG 571, CHE 696) Energy Generation and Storage Using Modern Materials
- ISD 528 (MECHENG 452) Advanced Design for Manufacturability
- ISD 565 (MECHENG 565) Battery Systems and Control
- ISD 599 (EECS 419) Electric Machinery and Drives
- ISD 599I (CHE 696) Fuel Cells and Fuel Processors
- ISD 599 986 Control of Advanced Powertrain Systems
- MFG 515 (Navarch 514) Fatigue of Structures
- MFG 588 (MECHENG 588) Assembly Modeling for Design and Manufacturing
Approved Transfer Courses
- ECE 5025 Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits & Applications (OSU)
- ECE 60200 Lumped System Theory (Purdue)
- ECE 61014 Electromagnetic & Electromechanical Component Design (Purdue)
- ECE 68000 Modern Automatic Control (Purdue)
- ME 210 Intro to Mechatronics (Stanford)
- ME 57500 Theory and Design of Control Systems (Purdue)
- ME 7383 Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage Sys for Auto Application (OSU)
- ME 7384 Principles of Electrification for Vehicle Propulsion Systems (OSU)
- ME 7236 Powertrain Dynamics (OSU)
- ECE 5554 Powertrain Control Systems (OSU)
Global Supply Chain And Engineering Leadership
The resilience of global supply chains has become increasingly important in relation to cost reduction and proximity to customers. To be successful, future technology leaders must possess critical skill sets in global engineering and culture/geopolitical awareness, and take advantage of modern digitalization for both leading global project teams or supply chain management. In this field, you will gain an advanced proficiency in industry-related supply chain management software, in-depth knowledge of supply chain analytics, KPI measurement, extensive experience in supply chain analysis and optimization, and analytical, strategic thinking, and problem-solving skills.
Key Competencies:
- Global engineering principles and practice
- Global manufacturing, team science
- International quality norm systems and technical basis
- Supply chain management
- Supply chain modeling
Immersive Practice
(3-6 Credits)
Work for leading industry partners to apply what you learn during your ISD coursework in a semester- or year-long project to contribute new ideas and knowledge to high priority engineering and technical issues. Learn more about this component of the ISD Curriculum on the ISD Practicum page.
AUTO 503 Project Practicum or MFG 503 Project Practicum
Take 3 academic credits per semester for up to two semesters. One capstone project enrollment, or approved alternative, is required for graduation. A second capstone project enrollment in another semester is allowed pending Program Director approval.
Recommended TEP Preparation Courses
ME 7383 Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage Sys for Auto Application (OSU)
Recommended TEP Prep Seminar(s)
- TEP231 MATLAB/Simulink Prep
- TEP250 Signals & Systems
ME 7384 Principles of Electrification for Vehicle Propulsion Systems (OSU)
Recommended TEP Prep Seminar(s)
- TEP231 MATLAB/Simulink Prep
- TEP250 Signals & Systems
ME 7236 Powertrain Dynamics (OSU)
Recommended TEP Prep Seminar(s)
- TEP231 MATLAB/Simulink Prep
- TEP250 Systems Dynamics
ECE 5554 Powertrain Control Systems (OSU)
Recommended TEP Prep Seminar(s)
- TEP231 MATLAB/Simulink Prep
- TEP250 Signals & Systems
ECE 5025 Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits & Applications (OSU)
Recommended TEP Prep Seminar(s)
- TEP694 Power Electronics Prep Seminar
ME 8372 Fault Diagnosis in Dynamic Systems (OSU)
Recommended TEP Prep Seminar(s)
- TEP372 Linear Theory Prep
- TEP231 MATLAB/Simulink Prep
MECHENG 7261 Automotive Noise & Vibration Control I with Lab (OSU)
Recommended TEP Prep Seminar(s)
- TEP012 Math Prep for NVH
Recommended TEP Prep Seminar for the following courses is TEP 231 MATLAB/Simulink Prep
- ECE 5553 Autonomy in Vehicles (OSU)
- ECE60200 Lumped System Theory (Purdue)
- ECE68000 Modern Automatic Control (Purdue)
- ME57500 Theory and Design of Control Systems (Purdue)
- ECE61014 Electromagnetic & Electromechanical Component Design (Purdue)
- ISD 546 (MECHENG 545, CEE 577) Dynamics and Control of Connected Vehicles
- AUTO 566 (MECHENG 566) Modeling Analysis and Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- ISD 565 (MECHENG 565) Battery Systems and Control
- MFG 588 (MECHENG 588) Assembly Modeling for Design and Manufacturing
- ISD 599 986 Control of Advanced Powertrain Systems
- AUTO 563 881 Dynamics and Control of Automatic Transmissions